Local Property Management Locksmith
From managed property lockouts to lock changes, Local Locksmith does it all.
Securing your customer’s properties can be a real challenge, we are your property management locksmith. There are many lock and key choices but not changing the key after a tenant moves out is asking for trouble.
If the previous tenant has a copy of the key, you could be open to security and civil liability. We can rekey your customer’s property to a new key combination. This process is called rekeying and it will cost less than buying new locks.
Local Locksmith works with many residential and commercial property management companies. We truly understand the challenges of property management. In fact we are even members of the Queen Creek Chamber of Commerce.
Call Local Locksmith for a FREE quote today. You’ll be glad that you did. Make Local Locksmith your local property management locksmith.
More Locksmith Services
Commercial Locks

Commercial Lock Options
From lever locks to exit devices, Local Locksmith maintains & installs them all. We are professional commercial & residential locksmiths that offer reasonable prices.
Electronic Keypad Locks

Electronic Lock Options
Electronic or keypad locks, are a way to allow customers property access without having to provide a key. There are many options so call Local Locksmith to explore the options.
Security Door Locks

Security Door Lock Upgrades
If your property has a security door, the lock installed by the original contractor can be low quality and can fail causing your tenant to get locked out.
Keypad Lock Battery Changes
Arizona heat can cause keypad lock batteries to age much quicker than in cooler climates. We recommend replacing the batteries in your electronic lock at least once per year or even sooner, if your lock experience performance problems. Batteries that are left in the lock can leak and cause damage.
When changing your lock’s batteries always use high quality replacement. Duracell make excellent batteries and when changed regularly, provide long trouble free operation.
Deadbolts and Entry

Deadbolt and Entry Locks
There comes a time in every lock’s life when it will wear out. Local Locksmith offers many different options for replacement locks that balances cost with reliability.
Business Locks

Store Front Door Locks
These locks are found in many glass doored businesses. They are the most common way of securing a business, but if are old, can fail. Especially true if are not maintained.
Property Management Tips and How Tos
Read more helpful tips and how to information by visiting our blog page.